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A V Yaremenko
Nicholai Konstantinovich Roerich, His Life and Creations During The Past Forty Years 1889-1929

A V Yaremenko, Nicholai Konstantinovich Roerich, His Life and Creations During the Past Forty Years 1889-1929, New York: Central Book Trading Co., 1931

A complete suite of unbound 119 colour and black and white reproductions of Roerich's paintings, of which 36 are in four colours and 86 in two colours or tinted half tones, printed on heavy stock paper and Nubian paper, with each plate captioned at the lower bottom on a tipped in silver paper + picture of Roerich museum + frontispiece + cover illustration + 32 page introductory text titled "Anniversary Publication on Nicholas Roerich 1889-1929," unbound and in original wax paper; original cloth-backed suede with mounted portrait of Nicholas Roerich by his son, patterned end papers; enclosed in a marbled slip-case.
34 x 26 x 5.5 cm
34.5 x 26 x 6 cm (with slipcase)

This is an unnumbered copy and is limited to only 1000 copies.

This sumptuously produced book by A V Yaremenko is regarded as an invaluable resource for comprehending the life and work of the renowned Russian painter and philosopher Nicholas Roerich. The subject matter pertains to a distinct phase of Roerich's artistic career, spanning from 1889 to 1929, an approximate span of four decades. During this time, the artist conducted preliminary artistic investigations in Russia, developed an interest in Slavic motifs, and subsequently developed a captivation for the Himalayas and Central Asian areas.

Yaremenko contributed an introductory text to the book that encompasses biographical information and artistic critique. The distinctive feature lies in the integration of descriptive text alongside illustrations of Roerich's paintings. The text alludes to a total of 119 photographs, of which 36 are visually enhanced in full colour, thus offering a visually captivating portrayal of Roerich's artistic approach and thematic inclinations.

Rare and in high demand among art collectors, scholars, and auction houses [various sources] is this book. This can be attributed to the comprehensive compilation of illustrations (including colour plates), meticulous information, and the extensive time span that the book encompasses in relation to Roerich's artistic trajectory.

In brief, Yaremenko's book functions as an invaluable scholarly resource for individuals seeking to enhance their comprehension of Nicholas Roerich's artistic progression and the pivotal motifs that characterised his work throughout a significant phase of his career.

Major auction houses and art galleries around the world use this book as a major reference book.

  Lot 50 of 93  

24-26 JULY 2024


Winning Bid
Rs 6,60,000

(Inclusive of Buyer's Premium)

Category: Books


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