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Frederick Shoberl
(1775 - 1853)

The World in Miniatures: Hindoostan, Containing a Description of the Religion, Manners, Customs, Trades, Arts, Sciences, Literature, Diversions, & c. of the Hindoos [6 Volumes]

Frederic Shoberl, The World in Miniatures: Hindoostan, Containing a Description of the Religion, Manners, Customs, Trades, Arts, Sciences, Literature, Diversions, & c. of the Hindoos, London: Printed for R. Ackermann, repository of Arts, Strand; No date on the title-page but plates are dated 1822

Early 20th-century full tan polished calf, elaborately gilt-decorated flat spines in compartments with gilt text (each)
14.5 x 9.5 x 2.5 cm (each)

In 6 Volumes
Volume 1: pp. xxviii covers preface + 187 pages including 8 plates + xviii advertisements pages at the rear
Volume 2: pp. 273 + 19 plates [4 folding]
Volume 3: pp. 324 + 22 plates [4 folding]
Volume 4: pp. 216 + 23 plates [2 folding]
Volume 5: pp. 234 + 16 plates
Volume 6: pp. 240 + 15 plates [2 folding]

Volume I: 1. Trimurti, the Indian Trinity (Frontispiece) / 2. Brama / 3. Dourga Killing Maissassour / 4. Ganesa, God of Wisdom / 5. Supramanya, Second Son of Sheeva / 6. Manmadin, the Indian Cupid / 7. Vishnu Reclining on the Serpent Adissechen / 8. Vishnu in his third Incarnation as a Wild Boar

Volume II: 9. Malabar Writer / 10. Wives of Bramins / 11. A Mahometan Officer / 12. Sujah Dowlah, Visir of the Mogul Empire, Nabob of Oude, and his Ten Sons / 13. Hindoo Ladies paying a Visit to a Persee Lady / 14. A Bramin who teaches the Days, and his Wife / 15. A Pandidapapan Bramin and his Wife / 16. A Papanvaichenaven Bramin, and a Tatoidipapan Bramin / 17. The Fakeer Praoun Poury / 18. The Fakeer Perkasanund / 19. Ter or Sacred Chariot / 20. Tadin playing with fire. Ariganda Pandaron. Tadin with a padlock to his mouth / 21. Pandarons, Penitents of the sect of Sheeva / 22. A Poojaree singing the History of Mariatta / 23. Mariatta Codam, or manner of Dancing in honour of the Goddess Mariatta / 24. Nemessura Cavadi, or Woman rying the water of the Ganges / 25. A Rajah and his Wives celebrating the festival of Krishna / 26. A Religious Procéssion / 27. Ceremony of throwing the Colossal Statue of the goddess Cali into the water

Volume III: 28. A Hindoo cradle (Frontispiece) / 29. Hind?os throwing, themselves on mattresses covered with sharp Instruments / 30. A Species of Penance practised at the festival of the goddess Bhavani / 31. Musical Instruments, Plate 1 / 32. Musical Instruments, Plate 2 / 33. Musical Instruments, Plate 3 / 34. A Mahometan beating the Nagabotte / 35. A Hindoo Dancer called Baloks / 36. Devedassis or Bayaderes / 37. The Father of the Bride going with the nuptial presents to the bridegroom / 38. The bridegroom conducted in state to the house of the bride / 39. The Husband swearing to take care of his Wife / 40. Funeral of a Hindoo / 41. A Hindoo Widow burning herself with the corpse of her husband / 42. A Rajah giving audience / 43. Dress and ornaments of Hindoo Ladies / 44. A Rajpoot / 45. A Mahratta / 46. Pecali, or water- carrier, attending the army / 47. Sepoy officers. A private Sepoy / 48. A Seik. A sepoy in the French service / 49. A Sepoy in the native dress. A Hindoo soldier. A Brigbasi

Volume IV: 50. Basket-maker and his Wife (Frontispiece) / 51. Sugar Mill / 52. Hiñdoo Ploughman and Herdsman / 53. A Sóurer and his Wife / 54. Apparatus for Distillation / 55. Carpenter and Mason / 56. A Column from å temple at Benares / 57. A Choultry / 58. Taje Mahl / 59. Beater of Cotton ard his Wife / 60. Cotton Spinning / 61. Winding cotton / 62. Preparation of the warp for Weaving / 63. Weaver joining broken Threads / 64. Weaving / 65. Cloth Beater / 66. Cloth Painter / 67. Dyer / 68. Silk Dyer / 69. Winding Silk / 70. Ironer / 71. Malabar Tailor / 72. School Master

Volume V: 73. Potter's Wife (frontispiece) / 74. Potter / 75. Horse Breaker and Blacksmith / 76. Gold Beater / 77. Goldsmith / 78. Gilder / 79. Brazier / 80. Brazier's Wife / 81. Shell Cutter / 82. Water Carrier / 83. Telinga Barber and Malabar Barber / 84. Mahratta Shoemaker / 85. Catamaran and Chelingh / 86. Perfumer / 87. Dealer in Betel, Areca, &c / 88. Dealer in Pearls.

Volume VI: 89. Mahometan Woman Travelling (Frontispiece) / 90. Chess Board and Spring Bow for Shooting Tigers / 91. Tumblers / 92. Interior of Fort St. George with Rope Dancers, Tumblers, &c. / 93. Hindoo Jugglers swallowing a Sword and balancing a Buffalo / 94. Conjuror and Juggler with cups and balls / 95. Snake Charmer / 96. Wrestlers / 97. Tiger-Hunt / 98. Bengal Palanquin / 99. Mogul Palanquin / 100. Dolee / 101. Gadee / 102. Peon / 103. Head Peon

A Rare Book with 103 colour Plates Based on Company Paintings published in 1822, complete in 6 volumes.

Above are the six volumes pertaining to India that are included in the 42-volume series and are published monthly in: The World in Miniature, which was intended to ‘to increase the store of knowledge concerning the various branches of the great family of man’ (Abbey Travel, 19). This is the complete six-volume issue of Shoberl's larger 42-volume The World in Miniature, which is seldom found in its entirety; frequently, as with the present set, it is divided into individual sets by country.

The subjects addressed in these volumes comprise the religion, arts, geography, customs, and professional endeavors of the Indian people. Exquisitely colored engravings enhance the information, gathered from various modern sources and enhanced by Shoberl's recent additions. The engravings were inspired by drawings 'under the supervision of M Leger, former governor of Pondicherry' that 'are now in the possession of M Nepveu, bookseller of Paris' (p. xvi).

The author expresses both admiration and surprise at the fact that ‘amidst the ruins of these master-pieces of art, the manners and customs of the natives seem to have remained unchanged and exhibit the same features under which they were portrayed by the Greeks, who visited India two thousand years ago’ (viii). Additionally, he acknowledges the resilience of Hindu culture and expresses his desire for adherents to "peacefully pursue their professions and the practices enjoined by their religion" (xxvi) while embracing "the light of genuine science" (xxviii) under British dominion.

Rudolph Ackermann commissioned Frederic Shoberl to edit a multitude of works, including the Repository of Arts and a number of periodicals, including the English annual Forget-Me-Not and its juvenile edition. "In addition to his work for Ackermann, Shoberl was printer and publisher of the Cornwall Gazette, Falmouth Packet, and Plymouth Journal (1818-19), a Conservative paper issued at Truro" (ODNB). Shoberl, who was also intrigued by travel literature, authored a number of volumes on the subject. These include Travellers in Switzerland (1803), Travels in Greece, Palestine, Egypt, and Barbary (1812 French translation), and Travels in Caucasus and Georgia (1814 German translation).

Rudolph Ackermann (1764-1834) had positioned himself as a leading publisher of color plate books in Britain by the 1820s. This achievement can be largely attributed to his publication of several works on English topography, which commenced with The Microcosm of London in 1808. "He was a resourceful and effective publisher, introducing innovative techniques and an unwavering commitment to detail to the commercial production of color plate books."


  Lot 11 of 93  

24-26 JULY 2024


Winning Bid
Rs 3,84,000

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Category: Books


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