Satyanand Mohan

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Showing 1 of 1 works

Lot 37 Details

Contemporary South Asian Art 21-22 October 2024

Satyanand Mohan

Memento Mori

Oil on canvas

35.5 x 35.5 in

Rs 40,000-60,000

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Showing 1 of 1 works

Lot 30 Details

Absolute Tuesdays 8 February 2022

Satyanand Mohan

Love Painting # 3

Oil on canvas

35.75 x 35.75 in

Winning bid
Rs 24,780
(Inclusive of buyer's premium)

Showing 1 of 1 works

Lot 22 Details

Reading Room: Exhibition of Book Art from... 13 Sep-28 Oct 2016

Satyanand Mohan


Digital photographs
12 x 16 in...

12 x 16 in

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