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Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of India - Reginald  Heber - Antiquarian Books Auction
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Reginald Heber (1783 - 1826)

Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of India

REGINALD HEBBER, Narrative of a Journey through the Upper Provinces of India, from Calcutta to Bombay, 1824-1825: (with notes upon Ceylon): An account of a journey to Madras and the Southern provinces, 1826, and letters written in India, London: John Murray, 1828

(Set of 2 Volumes)
Volume I: xlvii; 1 black and white wood-engraved frontispiece; 631 pages including 4 of 5 engraved plates (1 missing); 20 black and white wood engravings; 1 folding map with outlines in colour
Volume II: vi; [2]; 1 black and white frontispiece; 515 pages including 4 black and white engraved plates; 4 black and white wood engravings
Contemporary leather bound with gilt text on a black label on the front board and at the spine
29.5 x 23 x 5.5 cm (each)


Winning bid

Views in India - Captain Robert Elliot - Antiquarian Books Auction
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Views in India

CAPTAIN ROBERT ELLIOT, Views in India: China, and on the Shores of the Red Sea, with Historical and Descriptive Illustrations, London: H Fisher, Son and Co., 1833

(Set of 2 Volumes)
Volume I: 1 colour frontispiece; 1 black and white vignette title page; 68 pages including 32 black and white engraved plates
Volume II: 1 black and white frontispiece; 1 black and white vignette title page; 64 including 28 black and white engraved plates
Decorative leather bound with gilt text at the spine with 4 raised bands
27.3 x 22 x 2 cm (each)


Winning bid

Journal of a Route across India, through Egypt to England - Lieutenant Colonel George Augustus Fitzclarence - Antiquarian Books Auction
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Journal of a Route across India, through Egypt to England

LIEUTENANT COLONEL GEORGE AUGUSTUS FITZCLARENCE, Journal of a Route across India, through Egypt to England: In the Latter End of The Year 1817 and the Beginning of 1818 by Lieutenant Colonel Fitzclarence, London: John Murray, 1819

xxv; 502; [1] pages with 12 plates (9 hand-coloured), 7 maps and plans (including one large folding map of the Seat of War in India); errata leaf
Contemporary leather bound with gilt text at the spine along with 4 raised bands
27.5 x 22 x 4.2 cm


Winning bid

Ladak, Physical, Statistical, and Historical: with Notices of the Surrounding Countries - Alexander  Cunningham - Antiquarian Books Auction
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Alexander Cunningham (1814 - 1893)

Ladak, Physical, Statistical, and Historical: with Notices of the Surrounding Countries

ALEXANDER CUNNINGHAM, Ladak, Physical, Statistical, and Historical: with Notices of the Surrounding Countries, London: W H Allen and Co., 1854

2 maps (one large folding, hand-coloured in outline, laid in linen in pocket at the end); 30 lithographed plates (16 coloured)
Half leather bound with leather corners and marbled boards
26 x 17 x 5.4 cm


Winning bid

Collection of Voyages and Travels - John  Churchill - Antiquarian Books Auction
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Collection of Voyages and Travels

JOHN CHURCHILL, Collection of Voyages and Travels: Some now first printed from original manuscripts. Others translated out of foreign languages, and now first publish'd in English, London: Awnsham and John Churchill, 1704

(Volume 3 only)
3 parts in 1 volume as issued, each with own section title dated 1703; pagination and register continuous, the third part (Baldaeus) with engraved portrait frontispiece, additional engraved title-page; 33 engraved folding plates including maps; plans, views and orthographical tables of the Tamil language; numerous engraved vignettes in the text, several full-page
Contemporary calf leather along with decorative gilt spine
32 x 22 x 8 cm


Winning bid

A Picturesque Tour along the Rivers Ganges And Jumna in India - Lieutenant Colonel Charles Ramus Forrest - Antiquarian Books Auction
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A Picturesque Tour along the Rivers Ganges And Jumna in India

LIEUTENANT COLONEL CHARLES RAMUS FORREST, A Picturesque Tour Along the Rivers Ganges and Jumna in India: Consisting of twenty-four highly finished and coloured views, a map, and vignettes, from original drawings made on the spot; with illustrations, historical and descriptive by Lieutenant-Colonel Forrest, late on the staff of His Majesty's service in Bengal, London: R Ackermann, 1824

iv; title page with hand-coloured aquatint vignette on title; folding engraved map, 192 pages including 24 hand-coloured aquatint plates by Thomas Sutherland and G Hunt after Forrest (plate no.3 is a photocopy); hand-coloured aquatint vignette at end of the text
Contemporary leather bound with blind-tooled floral pattern at the front and back boards along with gilt title on the front board and at the spine with 5 raised bands
37 x 30 x 4 cm


Winning bid

Himalayan Journals - Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker - Antiquarian Books Auction
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Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817 - 1911)

Himalayan Journals

JOSEPH DALTON HOOKER, Himalayan Journals: Or Notes of a Naturalist in Bengal, the Sikkim and Nepal Himalayas, the Khasia Mountains, & c., London: John Murray, 1854

(Set of 2 Volumes)
Volume I: xxvii; [3]; 408 pages including 4 colour lithographic plates and 45 black and white wood-engraved in-text illustrations along with 2 black and white folded maps at the end
Volume II: xii; 487 pages including 12 coloured lithographic plates; 35 wood-engraved in-text illustrations
Bound in full polished calf, spines with five raised bands, gilt decoration, marbled edges and endpapers
22 x 15 x 4 cm (each)


Winning bid

Views in The Himalayas - W L L Scott - Antiquarian Books Auction
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Views in The Himalayas

MRS W L L SCOTT, Views in The Himalayas: Drawn on the spot by Mrs W L L Scott, London: Messrs Henry Graves & Co, 1852

Lithographed title in red, leaf of explanation and dedication leaf; double-column printed in blue; 15 tinted lithographs showing the mountains around Simla and the plains surrounding Kussowlie, local residences, views of Koomarsen and Khotghur. Glossary on climate, costume, animals, birds, agricultural products etc.
Modern half red Morocco over red cloth, with gilt letters over the upper board and spine along with coloured endpapers
62.5 x 45.5 x 2 cm


Views in the Himala Mountains - James Baillie Fraser - Antiquarian Books Auction
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James Baillie Fraser (1783 - 1856)

Views in the Himala Mountains

JAMES BAILLIE FRASER, Views in the Himala Mountains, London: Rodwell & Martin, 1820

Loose aquatint title, and 20 loose finely hand-coloured plates by R Havell and son after J B Fraser, on thick paper. Each print measuring 45 x 59.5 cm. With green mount measuring 66 x 81.5 cm
Housed in two blue half leather-bound with matching blue cloth board along with gilt title on a black label to the front board and at the spine
84.5 x 71 x 6.5 cm (Solander box)


Views in India, Chiefly Among the Himalaya Mountains - George Francis White - Antiquarian Books Auction
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George Francis White (1808 - 1898)

Views in India, Chiefly Among the Himalaya Mountains

GEORGE FRANCIS WHITE, Views in India, Chiefly Among the Himalaya Mountains, London: Fisher Sons and Co, 1838

x; 94 pages including 1 black and white steel engraved frontispiece; 1 black and white steel engraved vignette title; 35 steel engraved plates with tissue guards
Contemporary leather bound with gilt decoration on the front and back boards along with gilt decoration on the spine with 4 raised bands
32.5 x 26 x 2.7 cm


Winning bid

Journal of Residence of India - Maria  Graham - Antiquarian Books Auction
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Maria Graham (1785 - 1842)

Journal of Residence of India

MARIA GRAHAM, Journal of Residence of India, Edinburgh and London: Printed by George Ramsay and Company, for Archibald Constable and company; Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1812

211 pages; 1 hand-coloured aquatint frontispiece; 2 folding engraved plates; 13 engraved plates (one of the Castle and Parade at Cape Town and another of St. James's Town St. Helena)
Half leather-bound with cloth boards and gilt text at the spine
27 x 22.5 x 2.5 cm


Winning bid

India and its Native Princes - Louis  Rousselet - Antiquarian Books Auction
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Louis Rousselet (1845 - 1929)

India and its Native Princes

LOUIS ROUSSELET, India and its Native Princes: Travels in Central India and in the residencies of Bombay and Bengal, London: Chapman and Hall, 1876

xviii; 579 numbered pages including 1 full-page engraved frontispiece; 112 black and white full-page engraved plates; 217 black and white plates and 6 black and white maps
Original, ornamental green cloth cover, intricately blind, gilt embossed, front cover
35.5 x 29.5 x 5.5 cm


Winning bid

The Grand Master or Adventures of Qui Hi in Hindostan - Thomas  Rowlandson - Antiquarian Books Auction
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The Grand Master or Adventures of Qui Hi in Hindostan

THOMAS ROWLANDSON, The Grand Master or Adventures of Qui Hi in Hindostan: A Hudibrastic Poem in Eight Cantos, London: Thomas Jegg, 1816

x; 252 pages, 1 folding hand-coloured aquatint frontispiece; 1 hand colour aquatint pictorial title; 25 hand-coloured aquatint plates illustrated with engravings by Thomas Rowlandson and 1 with sepia wash
Half leather bound with marbled boards and gilt text at the spine
24 x 15 x 2.5 cm


Winning bid

The Oriental Annual - Reverend Hobart Caunter and Thomas Bacon - Antiquarian Books Auction
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The Oriental Annual

The Oriental Annual: Containing a Series of Tales, Legends, and Historical Romances, London: Edward Bull, 1834-1840

(Set of 7 Volumes)
Volume I: (1834); 254 pages including 1 black and white engraved frontispiece, 1 black and white engraved vignette title and 23 engravings from original drawings by William Daniell, R A and a descriptive account by the Reverend Hobart Caunter
Volume II: (1835); 242 including 1 black and white engraved frontispiece, 1 black and white engraved vignette title and 20 engravings from original drawings by William Daniell, R A and a descriptive account by the Reverend Hobart Caunter
Volume III: (1836); 297 including 1 black and white engraved frontispiece, 1 black and white engraved vignette title and 20 engravings from original drawings by William Daniell, R A and a descriptive account by the Reverend Hobart Caunter
Volume IV: (1837); 240 including 1 black and white engraved frontispiece, 1 black and white engraved vignette title and 20 engravings from original drawings by William Daniell, R A and a descriptive account by the Reverend Hobart Caunter


Illustrations of Rock-Cut Temples of India - James  Fergusson - Antiquarian Books Auction
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James Fergusson (1808 - 1886)

Illustrations of Rock-Cut Temples of India

JAMES FERGUSSON, Illustrations of Rock-Cut Temples of India: Selected from the best examples of the different series of caves at Ellora, Ajunta, Cuttack, Salsette, Karli, and Mahavellipore. Drawn on stone by Mr T C Dibdin, from sketches carefully made on the spot, with the assistance of the Camera-Lucida in the years 1838-39, by James Fergusson, Esq., London: John Weale, 1845

1 Lithographed frontispiece and 18 lithographed plates; two plates with two scenes, after Fergusson by T C Dibdin. All plates are captioned as 'From A Sketch by Jas. Fergusson Esqr.' (except title plate and plate XI) and signed as drawn and lithographed by T C Dibdin and printed by M and N Hanhart. Each numbered plate carries the publisher's imprint of John Weale - except plate 6, 8, 15. The work is dedicated by James Fergusson "To the President and Fellows of The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland".
Original brown cloth with gilt lettering
55.5 x 38 x1.5 cm


Winning bid

Books on Maps of India (Set of 2) - Trelawney  Saunders - Antiquarian Books Auction
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Trelawney Saunders (1808 - 1886)

Books on Maps of India (Set of 2)

TRELAWNEY SAUNDERS, An Atlas of Twelve Maps of India: Illustrating the Mountains and River Systems; the Irrigation; Civil Divisions, Population and Languages; Railways, Roads, Telegraphs, Post Offices, Ports, etc. Military commands and posts, famines, meteorology; crops; forests, and one-inch surveys. Accompanied by tables and notes, London: Edward Stanford, 1889

377 pages including 12 Maps with tables and notes including one double-page folding map
Original cloth board with fresh spine
59 x 35.5 x 1.5 cm


Winning bid

(Set of 12) - Joseph Conder, R Montgomery Martin,  Sir Lepel Griffin et al - Antiquarian Books Auction
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(Set of 12)

JOSEPH CONDER, The Modern Traveller: A Popular Description. Geographical, Historical, and Topographical of the Various Countries of the Globe, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dublin: Printed for James Duncan; Oliver and Boyd, M Ogle and R M Tims, 1828

(Set of 4 Volumes)
Volume I: 359 pages and folded map
Volume II: 372 pages and 3 plates
Volume III: 390 pages and 5 plates
Volume IV: 376 pages and 7 plates
Half leather bound
15 x 9.5 x 3 cm (each)


Winning bid

Des Prinzen Waldemar Von Preussen Nach Indien - Friedrich Wilhelm Waldemar - Antiquarian Books Auction
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Des Prinzen Waldemar Von Preussen Nach Indien

ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT, Des Prinzen Waldemar Von Preussen Nach Indien, Berlin: Deckerschen Geheimen Ober-Hofbuchdruckerei, 1853

(4 parts in 2 volumes)
Large folio; tinted lithographed portrait of Waldemar; 2 pictorial tinted lithographed additional titles by Bellermann after Kretzschmer after Prince Waldemar; 4 divisional half-titles; 9 hand-coloured engraved maps and plans on 6 sheets and 104 fine tinted lithographed plates by Bellermann and others. A. Haun and others after sketches and drawings by Prince Waldemar and others (one double-page).
Original brown cloth by Leisegang of Berlin, upper covers decorated in gilt with large Prussian eagle and lettered in gilt
59 x 45 x 4 cm (each)


Winning bid

Reise des Grafen Emanuel Andrasy in Ostindien, Ceylon, Java, China und Bengalen - Count Emanuel Andrasy - Antiquarian Books Auction
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Count Emanuel Andrasy (1821 - 1891)

Reise des Grafen Emanuel Andrasy in Ostindien, Ceylon, Java, China und Bengalen

COUNT EMANUEL ANDRASY, Reise des Grafen Emanuel Andrasy in Ostindien, Ceylon, Java, China und Bengalen, Pest: Hermann Geibel, 1859

[6], 106, [2] pages with hand-coloured tinted lithograph frontispiece and 15 similar plates by V Adam, Eugene Ciceri, H Clerget & Bayot, J David, J Laurens, and Bachelier after Andrassy; printed by Lemercier in Paris, wood-engraved title vignette and initials
Original green half Morocco, matching Morocco-grain cloth sides, flat bands within gilt rules to spine, second compartment lettered in gilt, titles and a pictorial vignette of tiger hunt gilt to front cover, white moire cloth endpapers, cloth inner hinges
60.5 x 45 x 3 cm


Lot 100
Scenery, Costumes and Architecture chiefly on the Western Side of India - Captain Robert Melville Grindlay - Antiquarian Books Auction
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Scenery, Costumes and Architecture chiefly on the Western Side of India

Captain Melville Grindlay, Scenery, Costumes and Architecture chiefly on the Western Side of India, London: R Ackermann; Elder, Smith and Co., 1826-1830

(Six parts in 2 Volumes)
134 pages including part titles in parts II-VI, advertisement leaf in parts II, IV & VI. Engraved title with hand-coloured vignette, lithographed title for Volume II, mounted on India paper, and thirty-six aquatint plates on thick paper, engraved by R G Reeve, T Fielding, G Hunt, C Bentley, and others, after drawings by Captain Grindlay, William Westall, Clarkson Stanfield, D. Roberts, Copley Fielding, W. Daniell, and others.
Half leather bound with leather corners and brown boards with gilt text at the spine along with 5 raised bands
41.5 x 33 x 2.5 cm (each)


Winning bid

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