16 January, 2009
Saffronart presents BAPU-An exhibition exploring Mahatma Gandhi in contemporary contexts
By This is a media release from Saffronart
Saffronart presents BAPU
An exhibition exploring the iconicity and legacy of Mahatma Gandhi in contemporary contexts
· 12 Indian artists explore the idea of Bapu, the Father of the Nation, in an exhibition curated by Gayatri Sinha
· Jagannath Panda, Riyas Komu, Navjot, Ram Rahman, Surendran Nair and Manisha Parekh are among the featured artists
· The exhibition includes paintings, video art, photographs, installations and mixed media works
Mumbai, January 14, 2009: Saffronart and 12 leading Indian contemporary artists have come together to explore the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi, affectionately known as Bapu, or the Father of the Nation, in a month long exhibition. The exhibition will be held at Saffronart’s gallery space in Mumbai from January 15 to February 15, and has been curated by prominent independent curator and art critic Gayatri Sinha. BAPU features a variety of paintings, photographs, videos, installations and mixed media works exploring different facets of Mahatma Gandhi’s life and philosophy, and their relevance in contemporary political and socioeconomic contexts.
Speaking about the exhibition, Dinesh Vazirani, co-founder and CEO, Saffronart said, “Mahatma Gandhi’s principles and way of life continue to inspire influential public figures from Nelson Mandela to Barack Obama. In fact, his beliefs, values and status as a moral force for change have become more relevant against the violent backdrop of our times.”
“Twelve leading Indian artists have created works specifically for this exhibition, and each piece represents the artist’s individual interpretation of Mahatma Gandhi’s life, his work and his ideology. The diversity of the art on display – from paintings to video installations – is what makes the exhibition BAPU even more interesting”, Dinesh explained.
Jagannath Panda, Riyas Komu, Surendran Nair, Anandajit Ray, Ashim Purkayashta, Gigi Scaria, Navjot, Manisha Parekh, Ram Rahman, Sachin Karne, Vasudha Thozhur, Vivek Vilasini are the twelve Indian artists whose work has been featured in the exhibition BAPU.
Talking about the piece he created for the show, artist Jagannath Panda says, “Gandhi’s ideas have always influenced my work. When I got the opportunity to create a work for this exhibition, I thought I would explore Gandhi’s physicality and philosophy against contemporary, urban structures. The work is dark, juxtaposing Gandhian idealism or optimism with darker reality. The setting is an urban park, which is not really maintained or looked after. There are birds nesting on the statue of the leader.”
Gayatri Sinha, curator of BAPU explained the concept that drove the exhibition, “It is difficult to be unaffected by Gandhi or to describe his historic legacy. The doctrine of Gandhian satyagraha or non violence has entered political discourse as a persuasive entity, far beyond the borders of India, throughout the world”.
Some of the art that is featured in the month long exhibition are:
Jagannath Panda Riyas Komu Surendran Nair Anandajit Ray
About Saffronart
Established in 2000, Saffronart is India’s largest art auction house and one of the top three auction houses worldwide for Modern and Contemporary Indian art.
Saffronart has been instrumental in supporting the development and increasing awareness about Modern and Contemporary Indian art, and broadening the discourse surrounding them.
With its secure online platform and and global presence with offices in Mumbai, New York and London, Saffronart has made access to Indian art effortless for connoisseurs and collectors around the world.
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